Before I start this project,
I should probably lay out the things that I am actually trying to beat, so that people can be all "oh my god joystick, I can't believe you never beat [INSERT FAV GAME HERE]".
So, I am trying to push things down the page enough so they are "after the break". Just gotta waste a few more words. Couple more. Cool, okay.
Written legibly:
- Grow Home
- The Metronomicon
- A Story About My Uncle
- Abzu
- Alpha Protocol
- Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
- And yet it moves
- Battletech
- Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
- Beholder
- Besiege
- Burnout Paradise
- Chroma Squad
- Cogs
- Corporate Lifestyle Simulator
- Crayon Physics Deluxe
- Cultist Simulator
- Darkest Dungeon
- Divinity Original Sin (Enhanced Edition)
- Don't Starve
- Dungeons of Dredmor
- Dust an Elysian Tale
- Eldritch
- Final Fantasy 9
- Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone
- Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams
- Half Minute Hero
- Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
- Hammerfight
- Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
- Jet Set Radio
Legend of Grimrock- Limbo
- Long Live the Queen
- Machninarium
- Magicka
- Metro 2033
- Monaco
- Nuclear Throne
- Odallus the Dark Call
- OlliOlli
- One Way Heroics
- Orwell
- Osmos
- Prison Architect
- Shadowrun: Hong Kong
- Side Meir's Pirates!
- Starseed Pilgrim
- Steel Storm Burning Retribution
- Super Hexagon
- Teleglitch
- The Novelist
- The Witcher 2
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
- TIS-100
- Trine 2
- Unavowed
- Unholy Heights
- Wanderlust
- Wasted
West of LoathingWolfenstein: The Old Blood- Wuppo
- Ziggurat
Oh god I wrote that all by hand. Ugh.
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